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Welcome to Sensible Pro 2.0. Use it for anything.

When we made this theme, we had everyone in mind . No matter what kind of site you have, you can use this theme. Business? No problem. Agency? Knock yourself out. Just trying to get some blogs going? This theme is perfect for it.

This theme is completely customizable through the Wordpress Theme Customizer. Each area is all your own, and even after that, there are plenty of widget areas and custom post types for you to keep creating. All sections are editable , and if you really don't need them, we have a nice little Hide option.

Oh, and maybe you might not like those animations? You can disable them by clicking a checkbox. Just like that, they are gone.

Our Services
Happiness at Work – Le Bonheur au Travail

Under Construction Project for 2019

Projet En Construction pour 2019

eLearning 4 Pro

Continuing Education for Professionals

Formation Continue pour Professionnels

Finance & Pension

Advisors, Administrators, Analytics

Conseils, Administrateurs, Analystes

Digital Marketing Numérique

Digital Marketing Strategies for Financial Institutions, HR and Accounting Organisations

Stratégies de Marketing Numérique pour les Institutions Financières, les Organisations en RH et Comptables

Communication & Design

Corporate Programs, Employee Benefits training and communications

Programmes d’Entreprise, formation et communications sur les Avantages sociaux des employés

Future Project – Le Futur

Open Structure – Under construction

Structure Ouverte – En Construction

Sensible Details



Happy Clients







Home News
How to Maximize Ur Investment?

A Payroll Tax is a payroll Tax - C.D. Howe Institute The new 2019 CPP 2.0 & QPP 2.0 Businesses,… Read More

Comment Maximiser votre Investissement?

Une Taxe sur la paie est une taxe sur la paie - Institut C.D. Howe Le nouveau RPC 2.0 et… Read More

Projet 2019 Project

En Construction Under Construction Read More

Our Team
André Gaumond

As Managing Director, André oversees the quality and the delivery of long lasting performing solutions from third party providers to businesses and strategic planning support to the management team.

En tant qu’Associé  Directeur, André supervise la qualité et la livraison de solutions performantes et durables fournies par des tiers et des conseils pour la planification stratégique à l’équipe de direction.

Outsource Team – Impartition

A Full suite of Digital Experts Talents from around the World

Une gamme Complète de Talents Numériques du Monde entier


The latest trends for Professionals

Design & Delivery: Modern Rapid Learning Targeted Courses

Les dernières tendances pour les professionnels

Conception et exécution: Approche Moderne de Formations Ciblées ‘Rapid Learning’

Happiness at Work – Le Bonheur Au Travail

2019 Project

Projet 2019

Sensible Skills




Fire Walking


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